
Keeping your Children Safe Online

At Reckleford we believe that technology can be a fantastic part of children’s learning and development.

To use technology safely children need to learn the rules and families need to talk to each other about what they do with it.

To make sure children are safe online:


Children must

Talk about what I do online and the technology I use

Show my adult what I do online

Check before I download a new app

Share games I play

Join in with family activities


Adults must

Stay calm when problems happen with technology

Watch your child’s online activity

Ask permission before posting photos of family

Ensure apps and games are age appropriate for your children

Join in with technology activities


Everyone agrees to

Family time without technology

Switch off at an agreed time each night

Talk about what we do online, just as we do with other activities

Keep screens out of bedrooms


For more information:

Safer Internet Day Parent Resources: http://saferinternet.org.uk/sid-parents

UK Safer Internet Centre: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-centre/parents-and-carers

Advice on screentime http://bit.ly/RCPCH-ScreenTimeForParents

Ask About Games www.askaboutgames.com

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